Risk Management

Mitigating risks through strategic negotiation planning and execution.

MENCC is committed to delivering the highest standard of negotiation excellence, providing clients with innovative and demand driven solutions and superior results.

We are trusted partners in negotiations, helping our clients achieve their objectives and maintain their competitive edge

MNC is a security risk consulting and management firm that specializes in providing expert Protection and Prevention services.

There is no organization that does not face a variety of risks – some constant, some changing, some physical, some economic, some regulatory, some cultural.

Risk and its management is an integral part of the lifecycle of every organization, and it is very much up to each organization to determine its attitude and approach to managing risks. There are multiple approaches to risk management, including risk assumption, risk avoidance, risk retention, risk transfer, or a combination of these and other strategies. The only approach that is totally unacceptable is no approach.

Risk management is a disciplined process that requires perseverance and adherence to procedures, as well as an open mind and the ability to identify newly evolving and changing risks and organizing to manage them at a moment’s notice.


  • Managing Risks also requires:
  • Identifying the Risks
  • Identify the Causes of the Risks
  • Identifying the Steps Required to Reduce Risks
  • Establishing Likelihood and Consequence
  • Decision to Reduce Risk
  • Analyzing the Consequences of Reducing Risk


Merited consulting experienced Risk Management practice will help your organization identify and mitigate risk factors such as:


  • Workplace violence
  • Terrorists threats
  • Crimes against assets & people
  • Cyber crime


We will provide management and personnel with the experience and tools necessary to help make informed decisions on critical issues at critical times.
We will work with you to minimize your exposure and vulnerabilities and actively protect your critical infrastructure and assets.